
Lost and Found Items

Please take some time to have a look at our school's lost and found table, located just inside the main doors of the building.  Classes will have multiple opportunities to look throughout the month, however, we are encouraging families to have a look as well.

Friday, January 3 - First Day Back for Students After Break

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 20 - Last Day Before Holiday Break

Spirit Week - December 16-20

We are getting much closer to our holiday break. To celebrate and have some fun, our school will be having a Spirit Week next week (Dec 16-20). Here are some details that you will need to know...

Thursday, December 5 - Progress Conferences/PD Day - No School for Students

Friday, November 22 - Assessment & Evaluation Day - No School for Students

Monday, November 11 - Remembrance Day - No School

Friday, October 25 - NSTU Conference Day - No School for Students